Pride in Dublin and Pipes in Howth

Days 28/29/30

Day 28 - We spent a day recovering but I felt I needed some exercise so I did a 2 1/2 hour walk to the Summit of Howth. The first bit was a steep cliff path with a sheer drop on one side... I didn't look! However the climb was repaid by the spectacular view over Dublin Bay.

We also visited the amazingly geeky but very interesting Hurdy Gurdy Radio Museum housed in the Martello Tower! The guide was as eccentric as the content, which was an amazing collection of radios, radio equipment and other miscellany. They also run a Ham Radio station from there in morse code.

Sunset from the boat.
Yesterday, the 29th June, we decided to catch the bus into Dublin, a half hour's journey along the coast. We had a seat on the top deck right at the front so were able to view the scenery. When we alighted from the bus in Talbot Street it was obvious there was something going on as there were a lot of people in rainbow colours...yes it was Gay Pride march day. There were a very colourful and eclectic mix of marchers of all ages and it made for a real carnival atmosphere.

Spectators watching the march in O'Connell Street.
The GPO in Pride colours
Marchers and spectators in carnival mood.

We did watch the buses and floats for about an hour in O'Connell Street, right by the GPO (General Post Office) building, but decided to go and learn about the history of the independence movement in the GPO "Witness History" exhibition. The GPO was taken over and occupied by the rebels during the 1916 Easter uprising. The exhibition tells the story of this and the "before and after" events which went on to shape modern Irish History. It was very interesting and well done with a mixture of exhibits, interactive screens, films and audio commentary. I recommend a visit if you are ever in Dublin as it explains the struggles for independence and the context of the events within modern World history.

Some local lads at the end of the day!
Today, Sunday the 30th June, we are having a boat day doing housekeeping and laundry etc. Since getting up this morning we have had the continuous sound of bagpipes and on walking up to the park in front of the yacht club realised there is a competition going on...the East of Ireland  Pipe Band Championships. They obviously take it very seriously and it was a wonderful spectacle.

Having a refreshment break!
One of the many pipe bands practising for the competition.

One of the many pipe bands in full swing.
The Oar House

I had to sample the fish restaurants on the fisherman's quay so we went over and chose The Oar House out of the many on offer, as this had been recommended. A glass of Prosecco and a plate of Dublin Bay prawns was a welcome bit of luxury for our Sunday afternoon and an antidote to the horrible sailing trip on Thursday.

P.S Another hat finished!!


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