My first blog....on retirement. I have been retired two weeks now, and I am not liking it.....I am loving it! The first Sunday knowing that I don't have to set the alarm and get up and go to work, heaven. I have had lots of helpful advice such as be kind to yourself, take time to ease into it, get a routine going etc. However, I am off on my Big Adventure in two days time, sailing half way around the UK with my husband of 3 years who I have never lived with. Four months on a small (39 foot) boat should be a test of our relationship so watch this space. I will of course miss all my family and friends not to mention Bliss (the dog) and my ancient cat Alpine.

So, we are about to sail off into the sunset and into our dreams, I hope you will join us.


  1. Nice site.
    Can I remind you of the first two paragraph's in the preface to my book.

    “Having an adventure shows that someone is incompetent, that something has gone wrong. An adventure is interesting enough in retrospect, especially to the person who didn't have it; at the time it happens it usually constitutes an exceedingly disagreeable experience”.
    My Life with the Eskimo by Vilhajalmur Stefansson

    The above quote was in one of the many books carried on Happy Spirit during the voyage – ‘Eiger Dreams’ by Jon Krakauer. . . . . . . . . Whilst I hoped that my adventure was not going to be because of incompetence or something going wrong it was going to be agreeable and an adventure in a way that I had perceived it.

    Lets hope 'our adventure' will not be like the one quoted by Vilhajalmur Stefansson who ever he was! and more on the lines of Happy Spirits.

    Only 2 sleeps to go.


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